What "EduRoamina box" is and what it's not

We wanted to:

  • shorten the time required for deployment of EduRoam AAI servers
  • reduce the number of errors
  • make EduRoam more attractive to smaller organizations with less technical staff
  • automate deployment of EduRoam "technical specification updates"
  • introduce mechanism for easier reporting of statistics and Access Points database

"Eduroam in a box" is a web interface to a configuration wizard and a management web interface for the EduRoam system. It is a tool for network administrators to speed up deployment.

"EduRoam in a box" isn't a magical wand for a 5-minute EduRoam set-up. It probably never will be because of the rather complex nature of operating the network with all these different technologies.

The person setting up the system still needs to be a network engineer, knowing how to configure the network equipment (access points, switches, dial-in servers, ...).
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